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Library Policies

Circulation Policy
  • Most library materials have a check out time of two weeks.
  • Overdue fines for most library materials are $.10 cents per day.
  • DVD and VHS’s have a check out time of one week, with a limit of three per family.
  • Overdue fines for DVD and VHS’s are $.50 cents per day.
Code of Conduct

The Board of Trustees established the Code of Conduct to protect the rights and safety of Library patrons and staff, preserve and protect the Library’s resources and provide an atmosphere that is conductive to appropriate use of the Library and its services. All patrons are required to comply with the Code of Conduct while in the Library and on Library property. Below is an abbreviated version, the complete Code of Conduct is available at the Circulation Desk or by request at

While in the Library, we ask that you:

  1. Be respectful of other patrons, Library staff and property.
  2. Speak in moderate tones at all times.
  3. Walk, don’t run.
  4. Gently use books, materials and technology.
  5. Use cell phones discreetly.
  6. Wear shoes and a shirt at all times.
  7. Use the PPLD Internet in a responsible and ethical manner.
  8. Only service animals or animals approved for Library programs are allowed in the building.

Activities that result in immediate suspension include, but not limited to:

  1. Carrying of weapons of any type, except for authorized law enforcement officials, on Library property.
  2. Soliciting, selling or using drugs or alcohol.
  3. Destruction of Library property or theft of materials.
  4. Engaging in disorderly conduct of any kind, fighting or challenging to fight or using obscene/offensive words.
  5. Viewing inappropriate content on computers.
Computer / Internet Use Policy & Guidelines

The Library reserves the rights to limit, refuse, and/or ban any patron from using the library equipment and computers. Use is limited to patrons in good standing, i.e., all fines have been paid, all overdue materials have been returned, any lost materials have been paid for, and the patron has a current local library card.

Anyone under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian while using library equipment or computers. Library equipment or computers are on a “first come, first served” basis. However, all patrons shall log in at the PC Reservation Computer prior to use. The computer user has a 2-hour time limit on library computers per day. This time can be split up during that day. You might be asked to limit your time on the computer to sixty (60) minutes if the computers are all in use.

Copyright laws forbid duplication of copyrighted software. The Library restricts the use of personal software on library computers. There is a charge of $ 1.00 for each data disk purchased from the Library, and a charge of $.20 per page of printing from a library computer. Please do not download or save information onto library computers.

Parents wishing to control the materials to which their children are exposed are expected to provide sufficient supervision of the children to accomplish this. Restriction of a child’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the Parent or Guardian.

The Peotone Public Library District specifically disclaims any warranty as to the information’s accuracy, authoritativeness, timeliness, usefulness or fitness for a particular purpose. The Peotone Public Library District shall have no liability for any direct, indirect or consequential damages related to the use of the information contained here.

Rules governing use

The computer user has a 2-hour time limit on library computers per day. This time can be split up during that day. You might be asked to limit your time on the computer to sixty (60) minutes if the computers are all in use.

Users may not

  1. Make any attempt to damage computer equipment or software.
  2. Make any attempt to alter software configuration.
  3. Make any attempt to cause degradation of system performance.
  4. Use any library computer for any illegal or criminal purpose.
  5. Violate copyright laws or software licensing agreements in their use of library computers.
  6. Engage in any activity, which is deliberately and maliciously offensive, libelous or slanderous.
  7. Install or download any software.

Violations may result in loss of access. A patron found to be sending or receiving unlawful materials will be disconnected from the Internet, and will not be allowed to use it at any future time.


General. The Peotone Public Library is grateful for gifts, and its collection has been enriched by donations of materials as well as contributions. Through donors, the library has been able to acquire materials which could not have been purchased otherwise. The library staff can supply, upon request, a list of needed materials for consideration by the donor.

Donation of Books and Audio Visual Materials. In accepting a gift of materials, the library reserves the privilege of deciding whether items donated should be added to the collection. Out of the many books and other materials which citizens so generously give, a considerable proportion can be used. Some cannot, because any library material, though of value in itself, may be: (1) a duplicate of an item of which the library already has a sufficient number; (2) outdated–interesting but not of sufficient present reference or circulating value to the library; and/or (3) in poor condition–which would not justify the expense of processing it, i.e. cataloging and preparing it for circulation. The material will be judged by the same standards of selection as those applied to the purchase of new materials. The Peotone Public Library accepts gift books with the understanding that books which are useful to the library collection will be retained and other books disposed of in whatever manner the librarian deems best. The Library necessarily reserves the right to interfile gifts with other collections on the same subject, so that all collections are organized and classified according to library standards for the best public service.

Gift Book Program. The Library welcomes monetary contributions specifically for book purchases in memorial to or in honor of named inpiduals. In order that the Library can properly honor the generosity, a special form to record the information is used and should be completed.

Donation of Art Objects and Other Types of Materials. Although such gifts are usually welcomed and valued, final decision on their acceptance rests with the Library Director and the Board of Library Trustees.

Donations—Others, e.g. Monetary. The Library welcomes cash contributions, gifts of real property, stocks, and bonds. It is our custom to expend cash gifts on materials, equipment, or a project which is acceptable to the donor. Although it is unlikely, there may be an occasion in which the restrictions set by the donor make it impossible for the library to accept the contribution. All donations are subject to the approval of the Library Director with the backing of the Library Board of Library Trustees.

Recognition of Gifts. For memorial books to the library, the library may place within the book the name of the donor, if desired. Accepted gifts will be honored in our gift remembrance book.

Freedom of Information Act


I. A brief description of our public body is as follows:

A. Our purpose is to provide materials and services for the recreational, social, informational, and educational needs of the community.

B. An organizational chart is under the About tab – Library Information.

C. The total amount of our operating budget for 2024-2025 is approx. $750,000.00

Funding sources are property and personal property replacement taxes, state and federal grants, fines, charges, and donations.

D. The office is located at this address: 515 N. First St., Peotone, IL 60468.

E. We have approximately the following number of persons employed

  1. Full-time: 4
  2. Part-time : 8

F. The following organization exercises control over our policies and procedures: The Peotone Public Library Board of Library Trustees, which meets monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of each month 6:30p.m., at the library.

Its members are Sandra Gall, President; Jean Oliver, Vice-President; Mary Cann, Treasurer; Dawn Ladislas, Secretary; Margaret Horne, and Ann Marie Nagel.

G. We are required to report and be answerable for our operations to:

  • Illinois State Library, Springfield, Illinois. Its members are: State
  • Librarian, Jesse White (Secretary of State); Director of State Library, Greg McCormick; and various other staff.

II. You may request the information and the records available to the public in the following manner:

A. Use a request form.

B. Your request should be directed to the following individual:  Sarah Ehlers ( – FOIA Officer.

C. You must indicate whether you have a “commercial purpose” in your request.

D. You must specify the records requested to be disclosed for inspection or to be copied. If you desire that any records be certified, you must specify which ones.

E. To reimburse us our actual costs for reproducing and certifying (if requested) the records, you may be charged the following fees:

  • There is a $1.00 charge for each certification of records.
  • There is no charge for the first fifty (50) pages of black and white text either letter or legal size;
  • There is a $.15 per page charge for copied records in excess of 50 pages;
  • The actual copying cost of color copies and other sized copies will be charged.

F. If the records are kept in electronic format, you may request a specific format and if feasible, they will be so provided, but if not, they will be provided either in the electronic format in which they are kept (and you would be required to pay the actual cost of the medium only, i.e. disc, diskette, tape, etc.) or in paper as you select.

G. The office will respond to a written request within five (5) working days or sooner if possible. An extension of an additional five (5) working days may be necessary to properly respond.

H. Records may be inspected or copied. If inspected, an employee must be present throughout the inspection.

I. The place and times where the records will be available are as follows:

Monday-Friday, 9:30a.m. to 8p.m.

Peotone Public Library, Administrative Offices

III. Certain types of information maintained by us are exempt from inspection and copying. However, the following types or categories of records are maintained under our control:

A. Monthly Financial Statements

B. Annual Receipts and Disbursements Reports

C. Budget and Appropriation Ordinances

D. Levy Ordinances

E. Operating Budgets

F. Annual Audits

G. Minutes of the Board of Library Trustees

H. Library Policies, including Materials Selection

I. Adopted Ordinances and Resolutions of the Board

J. Annual Reports to the Illinois State Library

Library Photo and Video Policy

The Board of Trustees of the Peotone Library District (“library”) has a significant interest in maintaining an environment that allows patrons to freely access library information and resources. This significant interest requires the library to maintain policies that protect the privacy of its patrons and staff members and ensures their freedom from harassment, intimidation, and threats to their safety and well-being. In order to provide appropriate safeguards against such behavior and enforce policies and procedures addressing that behavior when it occurs, the library has adopted the following policy regarding the taking of photographs or videos inside the library building.

I. General Policy
Permission is not required for taking photographs or videos in public areas of the library building
for personal, noncommercial use if no tripods, lights, or other specialized equipment is used. However, there may be library locations and/or exhibition areas where the taking of photographs or videos is restricted or prohibited (i.e., restrooms, rooms reserved for nursing, childcare areas, museum artifacts, and archival materials). Taking photographs or videos of, or in, areas reserved for staff use only is also prohibited. If tripods, lights, or other specialized equipment is to be used, requests must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Persons taking photographs and videos shall not (i) compromise a patron or staff member’s right to privacy, (ii) harass, intimidate, or threaten a patron or staff member, or (iii) block library aisles, walkways, stairwells, doors, or exits.

II. Exterior Photography and Videos
Taking photographs and videos outside of the library building and/or of the library grounds does not require permission. However, the activity may not impede the ingress or egress of patrons or staff to or from the library building.

III. Commercial Photography and Videos
The library may permit use of its facilities for the taking of commercial photographs or videos if the project does not interfere with the mission of the library and is in accordance with the rest of this policy. The library will charge a fee to offset costs incurred by the library to provide access to the facility and prior permission must be sought at least one week in advance.

IV. Photography and Videos of Materials and Resources
The library permits the taking of photographs and videos of its publicly available collections. However, patrons are solely responsible for obtaining consent or other permission when taking photographs or videos of copyrighted materials.

V. Library Photography, Videos, and Recording
The library may take photos, videos, and audio recordings at the library and during library events to use in its publicity materials and on its website and social media sites. The library reserves the right to document its services and the public’s use of the library building and grounds. These photographs, videos, and audio recordings may be copied, displayed, televised, and published (including on any library web site or social media site). Any individual that does not wish the library to use a photograph or video of them or their child should inform a library staff member prior to or while such photographs or videos are being taken.

VI. Library Board Meetings
Pursuant to Section 120/2.05 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.), any person may record the proceedings of the Library Board and other meetings required by the Act to be open to the public. The recordings maybe made by tape, film or other means and shall not disrupt the meeting or create a safety hazard.

VII. Liability
Persons involved in taking photographs or videos are solely liable for any injuries to persons or property that result from their activities on library property. They also have sole responsibility for obtaining all necessary releases and permissions required by law from persons who can be identified in any photograph or video or for copyrighted materials. The library undertakes no responsibility for obtaining these releases or permissions.

VIII. Right Subject to Compliance with Policy
The library reserves the right to ask any individual or group violating this policy to cease the taking of photographs or videos.

Adopted: September 21, 2021

Meeting Room Use

The Peotone Public Library District provides meeting rooms as a limited public forum to support its cultural, educational, informational and recreational mission and roles.

Library meeting room use will not be denied to any person or organization because of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, unfavorable discharge from military service, or any other characteristic that is currently protected by applicable law. The Peotone Public Library District Board of Trustees subscribes to the tenets of the Library Bill of Rights, which states in part: Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations or individuals or groups requesting their use.

Use of the library meeting room does not constitute the library’s endorsement of the viewpoints expressed by the participants in the programs.  First priority use of all meeting rooms is given to library sponsored meetings or programs.  Reservations for the meeting room should be made within two weeks of the date requested.

In addition to library-related programs, the following groups may use the meeting rooms for cultural, civic, and informal education purposes: non-profit organizations, local businesses holding training, local condo and townhome associations or other non-commercial meetings.  The library reserves the right to request a copy of an organization’s non-profit status.

Meeting rooms may not be used for: (1) strictly social functions, which are defined as a function solely for entertainment through companionship with friends or associates including but not limited to weddings, showers, anniversaries, card parties, birthday parties and social club parties, (2) commercial functions, including but not limited to sales presentations of any kind or meetings of or for for-profit entities, or (3) any other activity which in the judgment of the Library Director would materially and substantially interfere with the ordinary functions of the Library and/or which may cause excessive noise, safety hazards, and/or a threat to the public health, safety or property.

All users are responsible for complying with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which requires that a meeting or materials at a meeting be provided in an accessible format in response to a request.  All meetings must be open to the Library Director or Designee and groups may not charge admission nor solicit or require donations for their meetings.  No goods or services may be solicited or sold, except at library sponsored events. Individuals or groups may only include the library’s name and address in any publicity or promotional materials; the library’s telephone number may not be used for any purpose, nor is the library to be included as a source of further information, registrations, or messages regarding the event.  

Authorization to use the meeting rooms is not transferable to any other individual or organization. Meeting rooms may be reserved only by a person, eighteen years of age or older, with a current Peotone Public Library District card in good standing. It is the responsibility of this contact person to be present at the time of use to ensure compliance with this policy.  This contact person is responsible for the willful or accidental damage of the library building, furniture, grounds and equipment, or materials. In the case of a serious disturbance, the group will be asked to vacate the room immediately, and the police will be called.

The Peotone Public Library District reserves the right to modify this policy and to cancel any reservation of the meeting rooms due to unforeseen circumstances.  The library may also cancel a group’s reservations if the meeting room policy is violated.

Meeting room users agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Peotone Public Library District, its’ Board of Trustees and all library staff for any and all accidents which may occur on library premises.

The Library Administration or his/her designee will have complete administrative authorization and responsibility for the approval of applications and the scheduling of the meeting rooms.

Unattended Children

Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children while they are in the Library. The Peotone Public Library staff is committed to help children with activities related to the Library. However, Library staff cannot, nor is it their responsibility to serve as baby-sitters, teachers, or disciplinarians. Violations of this policy are grounds for suspension of library privileges. Whenever advisable, the Library will notify the parent of incidents involving an unattended child.

Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied and directly supervised at all times by a parent or other responsible caregiver. When the safety of an unattended child is in doubt, or the parent or responsible caregiver cannot be located, or if the Library is closing, Library staff is authorized to call the police and stay with the child until the police arrive.

From time to time, the Peotone Public Library schedules or provides programs which are designed and suitable for attendance by children without parental supervision. Such program announcements will so indicate, and if no indication is included, then supervision is required. When so indicated, if the parent or caregiver intends to be absent, they must leave word at the circulation desk as to their whereabouts and, if possible, a phone number where they or a responsible adult can be contacted.

Children over the age of 10 may use the Library unattended by an adult, subject to other Library rules and policies concerning behavior, conduct, and demeanor.

Security Camera Policy

The Peotone Public Library District uses security cameras to help document events involving the safety and security of Library users, staff, and property. The security camera installation consists of dedicated cameras, which may provide real-time surveillance through a video management system. The primary use of security cameras is to discourage inappropriate and illegal behavior and to enhance the opportunity to apprehend offenders. Library use is governed by the policy established by the Library Board of Trustees and any applicable rules or regulations adopted by the Library. The Library Director as the executor of the policy for the Board of Trustees has discretion in determining what use is “in the best interest of the Library” and is authorized to act accordingly, including limiting the use of the building and services by individuals whose activities interfere with Library operations, adversely affect public safety, or cause public disturbances. The Board of Trustees may modify, amend or supplement this policy, as it deems necessary and appropriate.

The Library shall post and maintain signs giving notice of the use of security cameras for monitoring and recording activity in public areas of the Library property.

Cameras are located to view service desks, exits, and areas prone to theft, vandalism or other activity that
violates Library policy or criminal law. In no event shall cameras be located in areas where patrons and/or staff have a reasonable expectation of privacy such as restrooms or areas designated for breast-feeding.

Video data is recorded and stored digitally. Recorded data is considered confidential and secure. Access to live feeds of images is available to staff at services desks in order to monitor current activity. Access to recorded video data is limited to the Library Director and IT Department.

Recordings shall be kept for approximately 30 days with the exception of appropriate still shots or selected portions of the recorded data relating to specific incidents. These shall be retained for one year after the incident. The storage media shall be kept in a secure area.

Video surveillance records are not to be used directly or indirectly to identify the activities of individual Library patrons except as viewed in relation to a specific event or suspected criminal activity, suspected violation of Library policy, or incidents where there is reasonable basis to believe a claim may be made against the Library for civil liability. Authorized individuals may use a still shot or selected portions of recorded data to request law
enforcement review for assessing the security risk of a specific individual or for investigating a crime on library property. Video data will be made available to law enforcement officials or agencies upon written request.