We are open until 8pm!
Mon - Thu
9:30am - 8:00pm
9:30am - 5:00pm
9:30am - 3:00pm

Holiday Hours may vary.


Kids Corner

Latest Books

Tumble book Library

Tumble Book Library

Online library of children’s books. No app needed, just a computer or tablet.

You will need a Peotone Library Card to access!

Homework Help

We have so many amazing resources for kids, parents, and teens. Do you have research for a project you need to do? Need help citing something? Want to find a book on a specific topic? We are here to help!

Come into the library or email Miss Ranea!
(right click on Miss Ranea and copy email address)

We have most textbooks from the Peotone Schools. Textbooks can only be used in the library and are not for check out.

Illinois Book Awards

The Monarch Award: Illinois’ K-3 Readers’ Choice Award

The Monarch Award is designed to encourage children to read critically and become familiar with children’s books, authors and illustrators. The these books intended for Kindergardners through 3rd graders.

The Bluestem Award: Illinois’ Grades 3-5 Readers’ Choice Award

The award is designed for students in grades 3-5 who are ready for longer titles than found on the Monarch list, but not quite ready for the sophistication of some of the Rebecca Caudill titles. The award may include both timeless classics and current titles, as well as books that have appeared on Monarch and Rebecca Caudill lists.

The Rebecca Caudill Award: Illinois’ Grades 5-8 Readers’ Choice Award

The Rebecca Caudill Young Readers’ Book Award is an annual award given to the author of the book voted most outstanding by students in grades four through eight in participating Illinois schools. A list of 20 books are published in the Spring and the final award winner is chosen from this list.

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