Board of Trustees: By-Laws
These By-Laws are supplementary to the statutes of the State of Illinois as they relate to the procedures of the Board of Library Trustees of the Peotone Public Library District, including but not limited to 75 ILCS 16/1-1 et seq (the Public Library District Act).
The name of the Library District is PEOTONE PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT (the District). The District’s principal location is 515 N. First Street, Peotone, Illinois 60468. The District provides public library services to Green Garden, Peotone, Wilton Center and parts of Monee and Will Townships.
Section 2.01 Regular Meetings
The regular meeting of the District’s Board of Library Trustees (the Board) is on the third Tuesday of each month. The meeting shall be at the Library at 6:30 pm. The meetings are open to the public and noticed in advance. At the beginning of each calendar year, the Board shall, by ordinance, set regular meeting dates and times. The Director shall then send the local newspaper the schedule of regular meetings of the Board and post the meeting schedule in the Library.
Section 2.02 Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the President or Secretary or by any four (4) Library Trustees (75 ILCS 16/30-50). Notice of a special meeting, including an agenda, must be given at least 48 hours in advance, except in the case of a bona fide emergency. Notice will be given to all Library Trustees and to any news medium which filed an annual request for notice under the Open Meetings Act (75 ILCS 16/30-50; 5 ILCS 120/2.02). No business except that stated in the notice and agenda shall be transacted. A notice and agenda shall be posted at the library 48 hours in advance except in the case of a bona fide emergency.
Section 2.03 Quorum
A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting consists of four (4) Library Trustees (75 ILCS 16/30-50).
Section 2.04 Remote attendance (5 ILCS 120/7)
If a trustee is prevented from physically attending a meeting, the trustee may be allowed to attend the meeting by video or audio conference provided all of the following conditions are satisfied:
a) The trustee is prevented from physically attending because of:
i. Personal illness or disability;
ii. Employment purposes or the business of the public body;
iii. A family or other emergency;
iv. Unexpected childcare obligations.
b) If a quorum of the Board is physically present, a majority of the Board may vote to allow a Trustee to attend the meeting remotely. At least one hour advance notice shall be given by the Trustee to the Secretary or the President of the Board unless such advance notice is impractical; and
c) A quorum of the Board must be physically present at the meeting; and
d) A majority of the Board must vote affirmatively to permit the attendance by audio or video
Trustees participating electronically are afforded all of the same rights and are held to the same laws
and standards of conduct as Trustees physically participating.
Section 2.05 Vacancies
Vacancies in the office of Library Trustee shall be declared when an elected or appointed trustee declines, fails or is unable to serve or becomes a non-resident of the District. A vacancy also occurs when a Trustee is convicted of a misdemeanor by failing, neglecting or refusing to discharge any duty imposed upon them by the Illinois Public Library District Act of 1991, or has failed to pay the library taxes levied by the district. Absence without cause from all regular Board meetings for a period of one year shall be a basis for declaring a vacancy (75 ILCS 16/30-25).
Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the remaining Trustees until the next regular library election, at which time a Trustee shall be elected for the remainder of the unexpired term. If, however, the vacancy occurs with less than 28 months remaining in the term, and if the vacancy occurs less than 88 days before the next regularly scheduled election for office, the appointee shall serve the unexpired term and no election shall be held (75 ILCS 16/30-25).
Section 3.01 Membership
The Board consists of seven (7) Library Trustees who are residents of the District and are elected for four (4) year terms. The election shall be staggered, i.e., three (3) Library Trustees to be elected at one election, and four (4) Library Trustees to be elected at the following election.
Section 3.02 Responsibility
Library Trustees are responsible for the governance of the District. The Board will hire a skilled Library Director who is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Library. The President of the Board shall preside over all meetings, appoint members of all committees and generally perform the duties of the presiding officer (75 ILCS 16/30- 45(b)). In the absence of the President from a Board meeting, the Vice-President shall preside (75 ILCS 16/30-45 (b)). The Treasurer shall keep records of the District’s finances (75 ILCS 16/30-45 (d)) and shall give bond to the District to faithfully discharge the duty of the office in accordance with 75 ILCS 16.30-45 (e). The Secretary shall keep minutes of all regular and special Board meetings (75 ILCS 16/30-45 (g)).
Library Trustees shall conduct themselves in accordance with the Illinois Public Library District Act 75 ILCS 16/1, et seq. (the Act). In the event of a conflict between these By-laws and the Act, the provisions of the Act shall prevail.
The Board shall appoint a Library Director who shall act as administrator of the District’s daily operations (75 ILCS 30-55.35). The Board shall retain legal counsel and other professional consultants as needed (75 ILCS 16/30-55.35). The board shall also have all powers and duties as set forth in 75 ILCS 16/30-55 et seq.
Section 3.03 Procedures for Meetings
The Library Director will distribute the Agenda and information packet to the Library Trustees five days prior to meetings. Any Library Trustee wishing to have an item placed on the Agenda will notify the Library Director in sufficient time preceding the meeting to have the item placed on the Agenda. Any Library Trustee unable to attend a meeting will notify the Library Director. Such notification should be made as far in advance as possible to avoid any problems with establishing a quorum at a Board meeting.
Each Library Trustee shall be entitled to one vote upon each matter submitted to vote at a meeting. All votes shall be ayes, nays and abstains and will be recorded by the Secretary 75 ILCS 16/30-50 (c).
Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised shall govern the parliamentary procedure of the Board, unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws.
Section 3.04 Compensation
Library Trustees are not exempt from late fees, fines, or other user fees. Library Trustees shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed from District funds for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties (75 ILCS 16/30-30).
Section 3.05 Education
To be effective, Library Trustees must attend a majority of meetings, read materials presented for review, and attend occasional Library System (or other library-related) workshops, seminars, or meetings. The Library Director will make the dates of these workshops, seminars or meetings known to the Library Trustees in a timely manner. Library Trustees using their own vehicle will be reimbursed, at the rate allowed by the Internal Revenue Service, for travel to and from any Library System (or other library-related) workshop, seminar, or meeting.
Section 3.06 Officers and Elections
The Officers of the Board shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Officers shall be elected for one (1) year terms. The President shall not serve more than two consecutive terms unless by Board consent. In the event of a resignation from an Office, an election to fill the unexpired term of that Office will be conducted at the next regular meeting. (75 ILCS 16/30-45)
At its first meeting in each month of May, the Board shall hold an annual election of officers from among its membership. Officers shall serve a term lasting until the first Board meeting in the month of May the following year, or until their successors are duly elected by the Board. In the event of a resignation of a Trustee who was also an officer of the Board, an election to fill the unexpired term of that office shall be conducted by the Board at the next regular meeting.
Election of officers may be by roll call vote, ballot vote or nominating committee; the Board will make a motion for which method to apply at the May meeting. For nominations from the floor, recognition by the chair is not required to make a nomination. Nominations do not have to be seconded. A person can nominate himself or herself. A member can rise and decline the nomination during the nominating process. After each nomination, the President repeats the name to the assembly. Once nominations are closed, members of the Board will conduct the election either by ballot or voice vote. After nominations are closed, the vote is taken on each nominee in the order in which they were nominated.
An officer-elect takes possession of her office immediately if they are present and have not declined the office. If the officer-elect is not present and has consented to her candidacy, the officer-elect also takes possession of her office immediately. If she is absent and has not consented to her candidacy, it takes effect when she is notified of her election, provided she does not decline immediately.
The President shall preside at all Board meetings, appoint all standing and special committees, serve as ex-officio member of all committees, and perform other duties as may be assigned by the Board. The President shall be the only spokesperson for the Board. The President shall sign the ordinances, resolutions, and contracts approved by the Board.
The Vice-President, in absence of the President, assumes the duties of the President.
The Secretary or his/her designee shall keep the minutes of all Board meetings, record attendance and record all roll call votes. The Secretary shall perform such clerical duties as may be assigned by the Board.
The Secretary will attest the President’s signature on official documents.
The Treasurer is authorized to sign checks and serves on the Finance Committee.
The Treasurer shall keep all financial records of the District. The normal depository of all financial records shall be the Library. The Treasurer has charge of Library funds and income, signs checks on the Board’s authorization, and reports at each Board meeting on the status of the District funds (with the assistance of the District’s bookkeeper). In the absence of the Treasurer, or when the Treasurer is unable to serve, the President or Vice-President may perform the duties of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be bonded in the amount to be approved by the Board and according to statutory requirements (75 ILCS 16/30-45(e)). The Treasurer is authorized to pay salaries and insurance bills as they come due.
Section 3.07 Signing of Checks
(a) Authorization
The Treasurer or other authorized Officer of the Board may sign checks.
(b) Special Authorization for Payroll Checks
The Library Director and the District’s Business Manager are authorized to affix the signature stamp of the Treasurer on paychecks and other bills with the Treasurer’s approval.
Committees shall be appointed as needed by the President and the Board. The President shall appoint a chairperson for each committee. Special committees shall serve until completion of the committee work. Committees shall be comprised of at least two (2) Library Trustees and the Library Director.
The following Order of Business shall be followed at regular meetings.
Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call, recording both present and absent members
Consent Agenda
Approval of minutes
Committee reports
Director’s report
Financial report, approval of bills payable
Public Forum
Unfinished business
New business
Director’s Comments
Trustee Comments
The President may vary the order of business.
Robert’s Rules of Order (latest edition) shall govern the parliamentary procedures of the Board, unless otherwise specified in the By-Laws.
A Consent Agenda may be presented by the President at the beginning of a meeting. Items may be removed from the Consent Agenda on the request of any Library Trustee. Items not removed may be adopted by general consent without debate. Removed items may be taken up either immediately after the Consent Agenda or placed later on the Agenda at the discretion of the Board.
All authorizations to spend money shall be passed only by a roll call vote duly recorded.
The Library Director and a current Library Trustee appointed by the President shall meet with new Library Trustees and will review with new Library Trustees information pertaining to the District’s policies and affairs.
The Library Director shall administer the policies adopted by the Board. Among the duties and responsibilities of the Library Director is the hiring of personnel and directing, supervising and disciplining all staff members. The Library Director will provide monthly and annual reports as required by the Board. The Library Director will recommend such policies and procedures as will promote the efficiency and service of the Library.
Amendments to these By-Laws or amendments to Library policies or procedures may be proposed at any regular meeting of the Board. Amendments will become effective upon approval of a majority of Library Trustees present provided a quorum is present.
Section 11.01 General Records
Records of the District shall be kept in the Library with copies off site and are available to the public in accordance with applicable law.
Section 11.02 Personnel Records
Personnel records are confidential and shall be kept in a secure place with copies off site. Only the Library Director or a person authorized by the Library Director or the Board has access to personnel records.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees 2/18/2025
Ratified: April 15, 2014
Amended: 12-19-2017
Amended 12-17-2019
Amended 3-21-2023
Last amended February 18, 2025